The Warka Water tower is considered as a frugal system to provide safe water. We decided to build a Warka Water in order to understand its functioning and its potential failures during its life cycle (assembly, usage, maintenance, End of Life). Due to the local context in Troyes (no problem to access safe water), the study will be focused on the technological understanding.
The subsidy from UTT (500 euros) allows us to buy the most important components : the bamboo and the net. The other components (ropes, swivels, …) are funded by Solar Tears.
Miguel, phd student, CREIDD
Miguel, phd student, CREIDD
The length of the bamboo is 6m and the diameter is between 35mm and 45mm. We received 40 bamboo sticks. In order to cut the bamboo, we designed a homemade tool to separate the bamboo into 4 parts. The tool is simple and allows us to easily separate the bamboo sticks.
The cutting process consists in cutting the 6m into small sticke (from 1.3m to1.4m) and then in separating each stick into 4 strips with the homemade tool.