Partners of the program
Created in September 2001, the research team CREIDD (Center for Research and Interdisciplinary Studies on Sustainable Development) at UTT has set itself the objective of understanding what the concept of sustainability means and how it is implemented in society, Businesses and communities. In this context, the researchers are interested in the analysis of its foundations and its methods of deployment from territorial and industrial logics. The researchers work in particular on industrial and territorial ecology and ecodesign, as well as on their interactions in an interdisciplinary logic. The team also aims to define, analyze and criticize the sociotechnical prospects and the modes of governance envisaged for their deployment.CREIDD is a research team of Charles Delaunay Institute, UMR CNRS 6281 at the University of Technology of Troyes, France.
- 9 researchers (2016)
- 30 PhD students (2011-2016)
- 10 Post-doc students (2011-2016)
- 5 engineers (2011-2016)
- 1 technological platform ECO-CLOUD
Today, HAMAP-Humanitaire accompanies thirty projects in ten countries.
- 175 adherents
- 400 members
- 157 active volunteers
- 100 000 beneficiaries
To know more
UTT Fondation
- accelerate advances in research and pedagogical innovation,
- to bring innovative programs and initiatives to a societal and ethical level,
- co-build projects with companies, faced with the growing complexity and vulnerability of systems and networks.
The Scientific Council
It consists of 9 members :- Serge ROHMER, UTT, researcher, coordinator
- Frédéric PUZIN, sponsor
- Fabrice LESACHE, AERA Group, sponsor
- Joël KAIGRE, HAMAP, president
- Amina DAHANE, HAMAP, project manager
- Olivier GARRO, Université de Lyon, I2F Director
- Youcef BOUZIDI, UTT, researcher
- Abdelatif MERABTINE, EPF (Troyes), researcher
- Céline BURGER, URCA, researcher
Date of update 13 janvier 2020