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Objectives of the program

Solar Tears is a research project with a humanitarian goal, its objectives are :
  • Scientific objectives : comparision between current "eco-design" methodologies and "frugal engineering". Analysis of the most suitable business models in the context of frugal innovation,
  • Pedagogical objective : the students are involved in the program, the academics will face to a real important societal issue,
  • Humanitarian objective : cultural and social openness to help populations in difficult social situations,
  • Valorisation : scientific and pedagogical communication (conferences, journals, videos , …).

Frugal engineering at the core of the project

Africa and India are pioneers, as for example the M-PESA service created by the Kenyan mobile operator Safaricom. It is a mobile phone payment system for people who do not have a bank account. Today, more than 15 million Kenyans send and receive money through this simple and efficient service.

India may be the place where frugal engineering has become a recognized economic model [5-6] that can be applied to both basic needs such as health and more strategic needs, Aerospace. This implies a disruptive approach by comparision to the usual R&D principles [7]. Creating innovation at a local level is a response to globalization [5] [9]. The example of the Mitticool refrigerator operating without electricity is characteristic of frugal engineering, it operates on a principle of evaporation to keep foods cool (http://www.mitticool.in/). Created by an artisan potter, this system has been awarded many times, symbolizing a technological, economic, social and environmental success.

[1] N. Radjou, L’innovation Jugaad, 2013, Les éditions Diateno.
[2] The Frugal Innovator, Charles Leadbeater, 2014, Palgrave Macmillan publication.
[3] R.Tiwari, K. Kalogerakis, C. Herstatt, Frugal Innovation and Analogies: Some Propositions for Product Development in Emerging Economies, Technology and Innovation Management, Hamburg University of Technology, Working paper 84 (2014).
[4] R.Tiwari, K. Kalogerakis, C. Herstatt, Frugal Innovation and Analogies: Some Propositions for Product Development in Emerging Economies, Technology and Innovation Management, Hamburg University of Technology, Working paper 84 (2014).
[5] S.K. Jha, R.T. Krishnan, Local innovation: The key to globalization, Management Review 25 (2013), pp. 249-256.
[6] R.Tiwari & C. Herstatt, Frugal innovations for the ‘unserverd’ customer, Technology and Innovation Management, Hamburg University of Technology, Working paper 69 (2012).
[7] B.C. Rao, How disruptive is frugal ?, Technology in Society 35 (2013), pp 65-73.
[8] S. Rohmer, Modelling of immersive systems for collaborative design, 20th Int. Conf. of Engineering Design (ICED’15), Milan.


The technologies used for Solar Tears consist of both a Technology Platform entitled "Eco-Cloud" and a set of water purification systems that will be studied through this platform.

"Eco-cloud" is a workspace that generates and shares information on sustainability. It is made of a virtual and a physical workspace. The virtual workspace provides LCA software, and methodologies/tools/software created by CREIDD. The physical workspace is made of three units : « the autopsy unit » dedicated to the analysis of products in terms of structural and functional complexity (frugality) ; « the Environmental Impact Assessment cell unit » consisting of computers and software; and a teaching unit dedicated to Territorial & Industrial Ecology.

The autopsy unit

The unit consists of a set of materials to evaluate the performance and the complexity of a product according to indicators of frugality. The cell can also be used to create a nomenclature that would be required for a LCA (Life Cycle Analysis).

The unit is made of:
  • a lifting table supporting up to 150 kg,
  • disassembly tools: standard or specific (endoscopy, IR thermometer, ..),
  • an audio/video recording system : a 360° Gyroptic camera to memorize the disassembly process; the system can broadcast the autopsy live,
  • an articulated arm to support the light spot and the recording system: allows to focus the recording at the exact location of the autopsy.

Espace de travail de la cellule d’autopsie, UTT © Serge ROHMER

A set of water purifiers technologies will be studied, they habe been chosen depending on their simplicity in order to be easily used by villages without specific scientific knowledge.


SOLVATTEN is a solar water purifier made of 2 containers of 5 L each. The back cover is black and the front cover is transparent. The water is heated by solar waves until about 75°C, and an indicator informs the user when the purification is done after 2 to 6 hours.

To know more : http://www.solvatten.se



The Carocell system is produced by F-CUBED, it is a water purifier and distiller.

To know more Carocell : http://www.f-cubed.au


Sowatee (SOlar WATEr distillEr)

The solar water distiller consists in a wheel recycled from a bike which creates a circular box.

Other systems will be studied …
Date of update 08 janvier 2020